Creating video content on YouTube that gets lots of traffic can be a tough puzzle to solve.
We thought some videos we’ve created for WEB801 and other clients would for SURE get lots of traffic – and they don’t get hardly any traffic at all.
But other videos have gone crazy!
If you want to learn how to create videos that get VIEWS, here are few tips.
DISCLAIMER: there are no guarantees this stuff will work over and over again. But as you’ll see, the more you put content out there, the better chance you give yourself to succeed.
3 Tips to Get Better Video Traffic
Tip #1: Practice the Proven Research Phase
I found this concept recently and really love how it’s direct and applicable.
Getting traffic for the sake of the number won’t really help your business grow, but getting the RIGHT traffic will.
Asking yourself the following questions and then answering those questions to the best of your ability is a great place to start.
My interpretation of the initial questions are in parenthesis.
- Who do I want to serve? (Who is my ideal client?)
- Why do I want to serve them? (What problem do I plan to solve?)
- What will I serve them with? (What solution will I offer?)
- When will I begin to serve them? (What will it take to get started working with them?)
- Where do they spend time? (How can I find the ideal client?)
- How will I serve them best? (What will be the home run I can provide for the ideal client?)
The better I can answer these questions, the closer I’ll be to finding the best traffic that will convert!
ASSIGNMENT #1: Copy the questions above in the comments below and then answer the questions to the best of your ability.
I’ll review your answers and we can then talk about them.
Tip #2: Create content that people are already looking for.
The best way to do this is do YouTube searches for topics you want to talk about.
Important questions to ask:
- Are there already videos about that topic?
- Do they have lots of views?
- What are the titles of those videos?
- What about likes, comments, engagement?
- How old are those videos?
- What types of tags are the videos using?
- What about the channel those videos are on? Do they have lots of subscribers?
These are all things to consider when you’re doing initial research.
Tip #3: Use popular keyword phrases in the title of your new video
Based on the answers you found in Tip #1 and Tip #2, use what’s know as the “copy cat method.” Use keyword phrases that are trending or that already have LOTS of views on YouTube.
Even copying a popular title can be helpful as long as the content you’re producing is valid to the title.
Add this title to your video and/or blog post
Get traffic like this:
As of today this video has:
The video is 5 months old.
That means it’s received about 13,482 views per month since it was posted.
Here are some additional stats for the video:
You can see that in the first 50 days, it didn’t get much traffic because my channel is new.
But at day 52 or so, it started taking off.
I’ve picked up over 45 subscribers to the channel because of the video (not too relevant probably to my ideal client, but I’ll take them).
I got a big spike in traffic in July:
Most of the traffic comes from the Browse Feature. What does “Browse Feature” mean?
Because the video is short and engaging, people watch the majority of it:
Having a keyword phrase like “Steph Curry,” which is often trending and has LOTS of searches, helped this video really take off.
Is it applicable for my audience?
Not really.
But if I did another video like this in the future, I’d put a disclaimer at the end that this video is a test to see what type of traction I can get.
Maybe I’d even post a challenge – how quickly can we get this video to 1,000,000 views…
Viewers like to be part of a friendly competition.
Getting a lot of views on videos can be challenging.
But if you follow these tips and test, test, test, good things will happen.
Remember: solving problems that visitors are already looking for can be really helpful too.
ASSIGNMENT #2: Post your recent video in the comments below and our community will watch it, give it a thumbs up, and maybe even make a comment.
Good luck in your video marketing efforts.